Eat Right to Beat the Summer Heat
In the middle of a slew of lifestyle issues, we sometimes overlook the importance of eating fresh, seasonal food. Consuming foods that are out of season exposes one to pesticides and preservatives that are used to keep fruits and vegetables fresh.
During the summer, watermelon, musk melon, pears, papaya, plums, berries, apricots, cherries, mango, and oranges are plentiful. Vitamins, minerals, and fiber are abundant in these fruits. They can be eaten whole or sliced into little pieces, or used to make juices and delectable fruit salads. To improve the flavor, simply cut up a few fruits of your choosing and sprinkle a little lemon juice on top. Salads should be made fresh because they will lose their crunchiness if kept in the refrigerator. For a crispy delectable dessert, mix finely chopped fruits of your choosing with curd and sprinkle with cinnamon powder and basil seeds.
Fresh summer vegetables provide antioxidants that protect cells from the sun’s harsh heat, as well as vitamins and fiber that boost heart health, decrease cholesterol, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer. Tomatoes provide additional UV protection due to the presence of lycopene, which prevents sunburn. During the summer, zucchini, cabbage, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumbers are plentiful. A healthy method to cool off summer is to eat cucumber or tomato slices seasoned with salt and pepper or mixed with other vegetables in a salad. To enhance the flavor, toss it with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon.
Iced tea is high in flavonoids, which help to maintain the health of your bones, teeth, and gums. Tea that is freshly brewed provides the most health advantages. Bring a glass of water to a boil, then add one teaspoon of tea leaves and allow it to simmer for 10 minutes. Then cool it before adding honey to taste. It’s best to limit yourself to one or two cups of iced tea per day, as too much might cause sleep and gastrointestinal issues.
Sprouts are easy to digest and have a high water and nutritional content. They can be eaten on their own or combined with other vegetables in a salad. A salad with watermelon, pineapple, cucumber, and sprouts is a refreshing way to beat the summertime blues.
Foods to avoid during summer include dry fruits, processed food and aerated drinks. Dry fruits are incredibly healthful; however they contain very little water, have high sugar content, and are known to increase body heat. As a result, it is best to avoid dry fruits throughout the summer and instead focus on fresh fruits. In addition, sauces and processed meals are high in salt, preservatives, and artificial flavorings, all of which are damaging to your health. Avoid aerated drinks, as well as bottled fruit juices, which increase calorie intake and are a significant cause of obesity and diabetes. They also dehydrate you and harm your kidneys.
We at Amma’s South Indian Restaurant are truly concerned about your health, and we serve authentic South Indian cuisine that is good both by taste and for your health! Visit your nearest Amma’s South Indian Restaurant.